Decedent and Healthy Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

Indulge in this healthy chickpea chocolate chip cookie dough.

I have to admit, I’m a sucker for sweets, chocolate in particular. I avoid all the warnings. Do not eat raw cookie dough, 200 calories per teaspoon, 25 g added sugar. I ignore them all. So today was the day I decided to try something new! Inspired from a recipe group, I wanted to put my own spin on this recipe I found, and born was edible chickpea chocolate chip cookie dough.

What you’ll need.

Five simple ingredients and a food processor, yes that’s a blender in the picture, trust me, you’ll need the food processor.

  • 1/2 C. Creamy Peanut Butter
  • 1 Can Chickpeas (shelled or unshelled)
  • 1/4 C. 100% Maple Syrup
  • 1. TSP Vanilla Extract
  • Chocolate Chips (no measurement here, add to liking!)

The recipe is pretty simple almost like a blender muffin but there are a couple of steps you may want to do before throwing everything into the blender/food processor. I like to shell my chickpeas. Some people leave them on and others, like myself like to remove them. The easiest way to do this is to lay down some paper towels, put your chickpeas in, cover with another layer of paper towel, then gently roll over the chickpeas to remove the shells.

The shells of the chickpeas have a harder to chew texture and can make certain recipes have a different outcome. For this one, I recommend removing them, but its personal preference. Below is a comparison of a chickpea with the shell removed and one still encased. You’ll be able to see a color difference between the two, the shelled chickpea is bright yellow and then the shell on has a slight white hue to it.

Next up is adding everything to the blender/food processor! First up, is the chickpeas, followed by 1/2 cup creamy peanut butter. Then, 1/4 cup 100% maple syrup, then 1 teaspoon vanilla extract. Blend or process until you get a paste consistency. Move mixture to your storage container or bowl and add in your chocolate chips!

The flavor right out of the blender/food processor is fantastic, but if you want the most authentic cookie dough texture, allow it to sit in your fridge for a couple of hours to stiffen up a bit. Since this recipe contains no flour it’s safe to consume uncooked!