Peppermint Mocha Coffee Syrup

It’s that time of year! My new favorite hobby is making coffee syrups that match the seasons! Todays post is about the delicious homemade peppermint mocha syrup! Below is instructions on how to make this delightful holiday syrup!

Lets start with the basics!

Homemade Peppermint Mocha Coffee Syrup


14oz Sweetened Condensed Milk
1/2 C. Brown Sugar
1/2 C. Chocolate ( you can also use 1/4 C Cocoa Powder) its more of a texture thing
3/4 C. Milk
1. TBS Vanilla
1. Tbs Peppermint Extract

I started with my burner on medium low. Add the sweetened condensed milk and milk. Slowly turn up the heat, once close to a boil add in the chocolate chips and brown sugar. Stir, and allows this to boil for a 5 minutes. Turn off the heat and add in your vanilla and peppermint extracts. Cool and enjoy!

This syrup can be used in a ton of different ways in your coffee drinks! I like to add a TBS each morning to my hot coffee and it gives it a vibrant peppermint mocha flavor. You can get fancier and add it to hot or cold latte’s, cappuccinos, iced coffees and more! Just note if you’re using the chocolate vs the cocoa powder, the will solidify when cooled. It melts great in my hot drinks but needs some time in the cooler ones. This syrup also has a good amount of sweetness to it, so I would adjust your normal sugar or sweetener of choice when first trying!

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